This section provides the latest updates, information and advice on COVID-19.
Current situation
New Zealand has 1,504 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19. More information is available on our current cases page.
Alert Level 2
On Thursday 14 May New Zealand moved to Alert Level 2 - Reduce.
- Find out about Health and disability services at Alert Level 2.
- More information about Alert Level 2 is available on the COVID 19 website.
NZ COVID Tracer app
The official Ministry of Health contact tracing app helps you keep a digital diary of the places you’ve been.
From 12pm on Friday 29 May several changes to the Alert Level 2 rules came into effect. For a summary of these changes, see the COVID-19 website or our updated guidelines for social gatherings, businesses and services, and deaths, funerals, and tangihanga.
Elimination strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand
Our elimination strategy is a sustained approach to keep it out, find it and stamp it out. We do this through: border control; disease surveillance; physical distancing and hygiene measures; testing and tracing all potential cases; isolating cases and their close contacts; and broader public health controls.
Āwhina app
The Ministry has launched Āwhina - an app which helps health workers stay up to date on the latest COVID-19 information and receive notifications when new content is added or updated. Find out more about Āwhina.
For COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS.
- Advice for all health professionals
- Allied health professionals
- Āwhina app
- Cancer and screening services
- Case definition
- Funded temporary accommodation
- Health sector providers
- Join the COVID-19 surge workforce
- Maternity
- Medical transfer
- Mental health and addiction
- PPE use in health care
- Pharmacy
- Primary care
- Recording COVID-19
- Telehealth and online tools
- Well Child providers
Latest updates
Our advice is under active review and is updated regularly. The latest updates include the following changes to the website:
2 June:
- Moving forward in Alert Level 2 - Guidance for Well Child Tamariki Ora
- Updated: Deaths, funerals and tangihanga
- Updated: Quarantine and managed isolation numbers
- Updated: Guidance for specialist mental health and addiction services
31 May:
29 May:
- Updated: Infection prevention and control procedures for DHB acute care hospitals
- Updated: Alert 2: Risk assessment questions if COVID-19 status is unknown.
- Updated: Frequently asked questions about PPE
- Updated: NZ COVID Tracer app section
- Updated: Use of face masks in the community and Review of science and policy around face masks and COVID-19
- Updated: General cleaning and disinfection advice
- Updated: Social gatherings
- Updated: Guidelines for businesses and services at Alert Level 2
- Updated: Public health guidelines for businesses and services
27 May:
26 May: